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Dental Crowns: The Ultimate Solution For A Confident Smile

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For so many people, building a healthy smile is motivated by the desire to be more confident. Dental crowns are an excellent way to restore and enhance your smile for both aesthetic and functional reasons.

If you've been discussing dental options with your provider, a crown may be the ideal solution. Here's what you should know about building confident smiles with dental crowns.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns encase the entire visible surface of a tooth. This type of dental restoration is typically used for teeth that have been damaged or are weak, to protect them from additional decay or trauma.

Once in place, your dental provider will shape and polish the crown to match the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth and gums. The result is a beautiful smile that looks and feels completely natural.

The Crown Installation Procedure Is Simple

The procedure for placing a dental crown typically involves numbing the tooth, preparing it by removing decay and shaping it, taking an impression and creating the crown, then placing the crown over the tooth and securing it in place.

This entire process can usually be completed in two visits to your dental provider. During the first visit, the dentist prepares the tooth and makes an impression of your smile. The dental lab will then construct the crown.

During the second visit, your provider will fit and place the dental crown on your tooth to give your smile a natural and beautiful appearance.

The Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns offer many advantages, such as restoring the shape, strength, and appearance of teeth. They can also be used to improve the function of teeth that have been weakened by decay or trauma.

Additionally, they can be color-matched to the existing teeth, making them virtually undetectable and offering a natural look.

Crowns also hold a dental bridge in place. If you're missing a tooth, dental crowns are placed on the teeth next to the gap so they can support a bridge.

Crowns Provide a Realistic Tooth Replacement and a Confidence Boost

Crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and metal alloys. Depending on the location of your tooth and the material used, a crown can last many years.

Unlike traditional bridges or dentures, crowns provide a single replacement for a missing or damaged tooth. Your dental provider will create a custom-fitted crown that matches your smile.
