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4 Frequently Asked Questions About Professional Teeth Whitening

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Having whiter teeth is an incredibly effective way to improve your confidence if you are not happy with your smile. Here are a few questions you may have about professional teeth whitening before you decide to move forward with the procedure.

Does Professional Teeth Whitening Hurt? 

Many people are concerned about going to the dentist for professional teeth whitening because they are worried about feeling pain or discomfort. Know that professional teeth whitening is a pain-free procedure, so there is no reason to be afraid of it. It does require keeping your mouth open for a while in order to perform the procedure, but there are tools that will help you do that.

How Does Professional Teeth Whitening Work?

The process of using bleach to whiten your teeth is quite unique. It works by having the bleach come in contact with your teeth, and actually pass through the outer layer of dentin and enamel so that it can get to all parts of your teeth. This allows the bleach to break down any discolored molecules throughout the entire tooth that can cause them to look discolored. It's not just removing an outer layer of stain on the tooth, which many people assume is what happens when undergoing a teeth bleaching treatment.

Will Your Teeth Be Sensitive Afterward?

You may have heard about people having really sensitive teeth after a teeth whitening procedure. Teeth sensitivity is not something that always happens, but it is possible. Thankfully any sensitivity you experience will be temporary. You can help deal with that sensation by using toothpaste specifically designed to treat sensitive teeth, which will close up any pores in the teeth that are causing you to feel discomfort.

If you do end up experiencing extended sensitivity after your whitening treatment, you'll need to return to your dentist so that they can assist with any complications. There are additional treatments they can do to give you some relief.

How Long Will The Whitening Last? 

It is difficult to put a time on how long teeth whitening will last due to every patient being different. It will really depend on what habits you go back to that caused your teeth to be discolored in the first place. If you drink coffee daily, smoke, and eat a lot of dark berries, then your results may not last as long when compared to if you did not have those habits. 

Contact a local cosmetic dental service to learn more. 
