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What Are the Key Benefits of Invisalign? Top 4 List

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Your image can quickly become an important concern if you have misaligned teeth. This can lower your self-confidence and make you feel bad about your appearance. The good news is that an array of procedures can be performed to correct this problem. Even though braces are still common, better procedures have been developed to fix this problem. Invisalign is a case in point. Here are the advantages associated with this procedure.

Better Oral Hygiene

You will face the daunting task of cleaning around braces. This activity requires time and patience. When you fail to care for them as required, you could be in for an unpleasant surprise once removed because there could be cavities, stains, or gingivitis on your teeth. Oral hygiene is easy with Invisalign. You will brush and floss as usual after you remove the aligners. After that, you can clean and disinfect the aligners before you insert them into their position.

Freedom to Eat all Foods and Drinks

When you install braces, there is a long list of foods you are not permitted to eat, including hard nuts, candies, and popcorn. There is a high chance that they will break off when you chew such foods. With aligners, you have the freedom to consume everything. However, you must remove them before you eat. After eating, you can clean them and insert them back.

Invisible Appearance

Braces are visible, and you will likely smile with less confidence. On the other hand, aligners are invisible, and no one will be able to know if you have them. They are manufactured using clear and thin plastic material that is almost invisible. You can put on that beautiful smile you have always dreamed of, and no one will notice that you are undergoing an orthodontic procedure.

Fewer Visits to the Practitioner

With braces, you need to visit the dental practitioner frequently so they can be adjusted correctly. Several tasks will be performed during the adjustment, and you should be prepared to spend hours at the clinic. With aligners, you will not need to visit the clinic frequently. The visits are shorter because no extra work is required to switch the aligners.

You will enjoy these benefits when you install aligners to fix the misaligned teeth. Remember, you risk suffering other dental issues if you do not straighten them. Therefore, you should schedule an appointment with a dentist so that he or she can perform this procedure.
