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4 Tips For A Successful Dental Filling Experience

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Dental fillings can alleviate toothaches and stop cavities from growing. Here are four tips that can help you have a successful dental filling experience the next time you need to have a cavity treated at the dentist's office:

1. Bring something to keep you occupied during your appointment.

At the beginning of your dental filling appointment, your dentist will review your x-rays and examine your teeth. This step of the procedure will ensure that your dentist works on the correct tooth. Once that has been taken care of, your dentist will give you a numbing shot and begin to work on your cavity. Getting a dental filling can take some time, so you may want to bring something to keep you occupied during your appointment. Headphones can allow you to listen to your favorite music or a podcast that you like during your dental appointment. 

2. Ask for anxiety medication if you need it. 

Listening to music or a podcast can keep your mind off your dental filling procedure. However, some people experience dental anxiety that cannot be overcome through distractions alone. If you're especially anxious about having a cavity treated, you can ask your dentist for anxiety medication. Sedatives such as nitrous oxide can give you a calm and peaceful experience at the dentist's office. Don't be afraid to ask for the accommodations you need. Your dentist has seen anxious patients before, and they will not think you're strange or overreacting if you ask for dental sedation treatment.

3. Let your dentist know if you feel pain during the procedure.

Lidocaine is injected into your gums at the beginning of your dental filling procedure in order to numb the tooth that will be worked on. Your dentist will begin with a standard amount of lidocaine, which will be given time to take effect. Once you've had local anesthesia, you should not feel any pain during your dental filling procedure. However, some people are more sensitive than others. If you feel any discomfort, be sure to raise your hand and let your dentist know. Your dentist can administer additional anesthesia to take away your pain.

4. Return to your dentist if your bite feels strange.

Your dentist will remove tooth decay and fill your tooth with amalgam or composite resin. Once your dental filling has been hardened, your dentist will shape it so it will fit comfortably in your mouth. If you notice that your bite feels strange in the days that follow your procedure, you should return to your dentist's office so your filling can be adjusted.

If you find yourself in need of a dental filling, contact a dentist in your area
