Tips for Young Denture Wearers

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Did Your Spouse Just Get Partial Dentures? 3 Tips To Support Them Through The Adjustment Period

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A partial set of dentures is a life changer for someone who has gone without their natural teeth for any period of time. With their new teeth, your spouse can feel comfortable smiling in public, and they'll be able to enjoy eating a wider variety of foods. A properly fitted set of replacement teeth should fit comfortably in the mouth, but there is usually an adjustment period. In addition to encouraging your spouse to attend all of their follow up appointments and schedule new ones for sore gums, you can use these tips to show them support around the house during the transition period.

Include Soft Foods in Your Meal Plans

During the first few days or weeks after having their teeth replaced, your spouse may still have some lingering soreness in their gums. Eating softer foods helps to take some of the pressure off of the areas where the gum line connects to the dental appliance. Softer foods are also less likely to stick to the replacement teeth and cause them to come loose. Over time, your spouse will begin to tolerate other types of textures. Until then, serve a variety of different soft foods that they can choose from according to their comfort level.

Set Up a Safe Hygiene and Storage Area

Partial dentures require a few extra steps to be added to your spouse's oral hygiene routine. Their dentist will provide them with a list of instructions for how to properly care for their appliance. For example, they will need to brush the appliance to remove food debris and biofilm every day. However, they may need to careful to hold their replacement teeth over something soft such as a towel to make sure they do not get damaged if they get dropped. Your spouse may also need a safe place to leave their teeth as they soak. If you have small children, then set this area up where they cannot reach the appliance while it is in the case.

Be a Patient Listener

A new set of teeth makes it easier for people to speak. However, there is a slight learning curve involved for people who are just getting used to their replacement teeth. For instance, your spouse may have trouble pronouncing certain letter sounds clearly. Encourage them to speak slowly, and listen carefully as they talk. With a few short weeks, their ability to pronounce words should be similar to how they talked before they got their dentures.

For more tips, contact a clinic like Nova Premier Dental
