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Veneers? For Graduation?

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Dental veneers are a great way to quickly improve the look of a smile. They can make teeth appear straighter, more symmetrical, and perfectly white. However, some parents might balk at the idea of getting veneers for their child as a graduation present. In reality, it's actually a great way to wish them well and to help invest in their future.

Don't Let Their Smile Get in Their Way

Let's face it: people are often judged first by appearances, and the same is true of your child. Multiple studies have shown that people judge potential candidates for jobs based on the quality of their teeth. If your child will be looking for work while in school or is going straight to work after graduating from high school, getting them veneers might help them to land the job that they really want, rather than one that they just have to settle for.

Problem with Braces

Braces are the best way to straighten teeth, but they're probably not what you want to saddle your child with as they're graduating from high school.

Adding braces to a crooked smile may make it even harder for your child to get a job. You can almost guarantee that it will be embarrassing for them to be of college age and wearing braces. However, even if they're able to handle how it makes them look, braces take time. Your child won't get a great smile fast - they'll have to wait. They'll also have to maintain regular appointments with an orthodontist while at school or living life on their own for the first time, which could be tricky for some teens.


Veneers are a great choice for your child because their results are instantaneous, and they last. On top of that, they don't cause any significant trauma, don't require Novocaine or other pain killers, and won't harm your child's teeth.

Veneers are applied to the front of your child's existing teeth with dental cement. Once they're on, they're not going anywhere, but they don't require drilling or any other harmful application methods. Your child's veneers will be made for them exclusively, with the perfect shape and size of teeth to give them the smile they're looking for. You can also choose the exact shade of whiteness that's wanted.

Veneers aren't harmful and are perfectly safe for teenagers who are looking for a brighter smile to leave high school with. Give your child a shot at a great future and start the process towards them getting veneers today. Contact a clinic, like Dansville Family Dental Care, to schedule a consultation.
