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2 Reasons To Speak To Your Dentist About Veneers

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A porcelain veneer is a dental device that is bonded to the surface of your teeth in order to improve their appearance. Listed below are two reasons to speak to your dentist about the possibility of getting porcelain veneers.

Improve The Appearance Of Your Teeth Quickly

A major issue with a lot of cosmetic dental procedures is the fact that they can often take a very long time to improve the appearance of your teeth. For example, buying home whitening kits for your teeth from your local department store can often lead to you waiting many months before your teeth have reached the shade that you desire. Getting whitening procedures done by a cosmetic dentist can still sometimes take weeks or longer to get the desired results.

However, porcelain veneers can actually provide you with the exact shade of white that you want for your teeth almost immediately. The reason for this is that the porcelain veneers are going to be perfectly white and may only take a single appointment to actually bond to your teeth, which will provide almost immediate results.

Deal With Multiple Cosmetic Issues At Once

Another reason to speak to your dentist about porcelain veneers is the fact that porcelain veneers can actually treat and deal with multiple cosmetic issues at once. When you utilize porcelain veneers, they will cover just about every defect that your teeth might have, from stains to cracks. In addition, many cosmetic dentists will also utilize veneers to fill in some of the gaps between your teeth if you have some fairly substantial spaces between your teeth that also happen to be too small to utilize a dental implant to fix.

However, it is very important to note that porcelain veneers are only going to be useful for cosmetic issues. These veneers are not really going to be any type of replacement for dental implants or be able to improve or strengthen the structure of any of your damaged teeth. If you do have damaged or weakened teeth that you would like to improve the appearance of, a cosmetic dentist can still repair those teeth and then bond a porcelain veneer to them in order to both make them healthier and improve their appearance.

Make an appointment with your dentist today in order to inquire about the various benefits that porcelain veneers can provide. Porcelain veneers are a great dental tool that can help you improve the appearance of your teeth quickly and deal with multiple cosmetic issues at once.
