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6 Foods And Drinks That Stain Your Teeth

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If your goal is whiter teeth, you might have to start paying closer attention to what you eat and drink. There are certain foods and beverages out there that can darken your teeth over time, giving them a yellow appearance. Here are six foods and drinks that stain your teeth:


Drinking that cup of java first thing in the morning can certainly perk you up and get you ready for the day. Unfortunately, drinking coffee every day can also stain your teeth. This caffeinated beverage contains tannins that result in discolored teeth. However, if you can't give up your morning coffee altogether, try drinking it cooler. If the coffee is very hot, the staining component can attach to your teeth easier.


Blueberries might be packed with antioxidants and considered one of the healthiest fruits, but they are not so kind to your teeth. Their deep blue color can leave dark stains on your teeth. If you want to have blueberries occasionally, you should remember to rinse your mouth out with water afterward.

Red Wine

Red wine might go great with dinner, but drinking it too often can stain your teeth. The drink contains the same tannins that are found in coffee. To prevent staining your teeth, try limiting how much red wine you drink throughout the week.

Pasta Sauce

Pasta sauce has a deep red color and is acidic, so it tends to cling onto your teeth and cause stains. If you plan on eating pasta sauce, you may want to snack on kale and dark green veggies beforehand, as they can protect your teeth from staining.

Balsamic Vinegar

Balsamic vinegar is a popular choice for a salad dressing, but it has been known to stain your teeth. This vinegar has such a dark and rich color that it clings onto your teeth, causing deep stains over time. If you want to continue to have balsamic vinegar with your salad, make sure to include lettuce because it cleans your teeth.


Curry is also something you may want to limit if you want to maintain white teeth. This spice is commonly used in Indian dishes, but its deep color can darken your teeth over time.

If you consume these foods and beverages as seldom as possible, you should be able to maintain a white smile a lot easier. Try eating foods that keep your teeth white, such as cheese, apples, and carrots. To learn more, or to have your teeth professionally whitened, contact a dental office like Pike Dentistry.
