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The Risky Habits Behind Your Need For Teeth Whitening Services

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Teeth whitening services can transform the look of your teeth and give you back the confidence you need to show the world your smile. Teeth whitening, which is sometimes referred to as teeth bleaching when bleach is used in the process, can restore the natural appearance of your teeth. That can make you feel as though you went back in time before they were damaged. Alternately, the teeth whitening process can make the teeth whiter than ever. Wondering what yellowed your teeth to create the need for teeth whitening services? You may want to examine whether these habits have damaged your teeth.

Habit #1: Drinking Beverages With Chromogens

Many people enjoy coffee, red wine, and tea at least once per day. If you have a habit of downing tea or coffee throughout the day, you may be repeatedly exposing your teeth to chromogens each day, and that can cause long-term tooth discoloration.

Going forward after having your teeth whitened, it's a good idea to cut back on these beverages. When you must drink them, try to sip them through a straw to minimize the direct exposure of your teeth to the tannic acid.

Habit #2: Smoking and Using Other Tobacco Products

You have probably heard that you should not smoke for a wide variety of reasons. Considering the fact that smoking can cause cancer and other serious health problems, the fact that smoking also causes tooth discoloration may not surprise you. Nicotine and tar, two chemicals in tobacco, can cause stains on your teeth that can be hard to kick to the curb.

After having your teeth whitened, you don't want to continue smoking, or you will risk ruining the positive changes you worked so hard to achieve. Talk to your doctor or dentist if you have a hard time quitting the habit of using tobacco. Also, the Tobacco Control Research Branch of the National Cancer Institute created the Smoke Free website that is full of useful resources to help you quit smoking.

Finally, keep in mind that the teeth whitening process can restore your teeth to their original beauty, or it can help you have a new, whiter smile that you never experienced before. In order to keep your teeth looking great after having them whitened, you may need to look at what caused the problem in the first place. Developing healthy dental habits can help keep your teeth white and prevent other dental problems as well. 
