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The Fault In Your Smile: 5 Beautiful Stars Who Embrace Their Gap-Toothed Smile

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Visiting your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings is essential for your oral health. However, you may have one or more imperfections affecting the look of your smile. Also known as diastema, a gap-toothed smile could potentially stem from a misaligned bite, oversized gum tissue, or from habitual thumb sucking as a child. Diastema does not pose any real dental dangers, but you can correct the issue with orthodontic treatments, veneers, or surgery.

Of course, many people feel their gap-toothed smile makes them uniquely real. If your diastema is making you self-conscious, seeing the beauty in these gap-toothed stars will help you understand the beauty of your own unique smile.

Anna Paquin

Known for playing Rogue in the X-Men movies and Sookie Stackhouse in the HBO's series True Blood, Anna Paquin chose to embrace her gap.

Her uniquely beautiful smile caused vampires, werewolves, fairies, and humans to fight for her love in True Blood. In addition, Stephen Moyer, who played her onscreen vampire boyfriend, obviously did not find the gap unattractive since they married and created two beautiful children together.

Anna Paquin chose not to fix her gap-toothed smile, but she manages to have a successful, exciting, and loving life.

Michael Strahan

After playing for the New York Giants for 15 years, Michael Strahan ended his 15-year NFL Career and began hosting a morning talk show with Kelly Ripa. While Strahan suffered with self-esteem issues earlier in life and considered correcting his gap-toothed smile, he chose to embrace the imperfection as an important part of his personality.

Inducted into the Pro Football's Hall of Fame in 2014, Strahan insisted that his gap-toothed grin become a part of history on the official bust. While most Hall of Famer's busts do not include the player's smile, the gap-toothed grin of Strahan's bust is a reminder of his unique personality.


Known as one of the most influential trendsetters in history, Madonna is another celebrity that embraced their diastema. This Material Girl released numerous hit albums, wrote a couple children's books, kissed a few stars onstage at various events, and won multiple awards, but correcting the gap between her two front teeth was never a priority.

Madonna is a mother, wife, writer, singer, actress, and humanitarian, and her gap-toothed smile will never falter her success.

Woody Harrelson

With a successful acting career, loving family, and passionate roles in various causes, Woody Harrelson obviously does not see a reason to fix his gap-toothed smile.

Most of Harrelson's roles were as unique, so they did not require an actor with a perfect smile. From a starring role in the '80s television series, Cheers, or a madman in Natural Born killers, to the infamous Haymitch Abernathy in the Hunger Game's trilogy, Harrelson plays his enticing, creative, and intense roles with a big gap-toothed smile on his face.

Lauren Hutton

Model, actress, and bombshell beauty, Lauren Hutton was not always so confident. In the early stages of her career, the gap between her two front teeth made her incredibly self-conscious. Decreasing her self-esteem even further, clients, such as Revlon, asked her to fill in her gap. Hutton used mortician's wax to fill the gap, resulting in a few more modeling and acting jobs.

Unfortunately, the wax was difficult to apply and uncomfortable to wear, so Hutton gave up the façade and learned to love her gap-toothed smile. After 67 years of life and a very successful career, Lauren Hutton is one of the most beautiful, talented, and beloved celebrity in show business.

These 5 celebrities have made the gap-toothed smile a trend, so you can also live a productive, fulfilling, and comfortable lifestyle with disastema. If these beautiful stars do not help you embrace your own gap, consult with cosmetic dentistry for treatment options.
