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Drilling Down To The Root Of Your Dental Clinic Fears

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Most people have been afraid of the dental chair at some point in their lives. For the majority, this fear passes with age as they begin to realize that the dentist's office really isn't that intimidating. However, for some people this irrational fear can haunt them well into their tweens and beyond. If you are one of these people, then read below to get to the root of some common dental fears!


The most worrying thing for most people when they visit the dentist is the wide array of tools available to the naked eye. Thankfully, many dental practices are now forced to hide these tools away due to health and safety regulations; however, even the sight of a dental chair and facemask can be enough to trigger pangs of fear.

With that said, most dental fears arise from the instruments that the dentist will use when carrying out your procedure. These range from intrusive mirrors to electrical drills, which admittedly can look worrying. However, it's important that you understand how these instruments are used in order to get over your fear.

In most cases, you won't even see the tools being used during your procedure. However, some people like to ask for a demonstration prior to laying back in the chair. Simply testing the drill out on your finger can take away some of the fear as you'll realize it isn't as bad as it sounds. Additionally, some people like having full view of the dentist during the procedure so they know exactly what's going on. If this is you, have a chat with your dentist about how they can arrange their mirrors to show you exactly what tools are being used, giving you the peace of mind you require.


Many people have a fear of any clinical surrounding, not exclusively a dental practice. The pristine white worktops and gleaming baskets of medical equipment can be enough to set off alarms; however, the irony is that this is actually a great sign for your practice.

If the place looks clean, but not sterile, then you can be sure that your practice is well maintained. When choosing a dental practice, consider checking out a few places to have a look at their premises. This will give you an idea of the typical standards a dentist should adhere to, and you will be able to make your choice accordingly. Many of the fears people have to do with surroundings are due to a dull, almost scary atmosphere that dominates the room. By choosing a practice with a good vibe, you're eliminating fears before you even walk through the door.


After your sense of sight, your sense of sounds and smells are next in line in terms of importance. As such, it's understandable that people can become scared due to unusual noises or odours that are unfamiliar to the senses.

With sounds, the most terrifying for many people is the drill. The name doesn't help much either, but the sound of a drill spiral into your tooth can be enough to worry even the most hardened of patients. However, contrary to popular belief, the sound generated by a dentist's drill isn't due to the tool grinding into your teeth! Rather, the whizz of a drill is purely due to air turbulence spinning the "head" of the component.  Also, if you haven't visited your dentist in a while, you might be surprised at how quiet the equipment is – technology has moved on a lot in the past few years!

As with any fear, familiarity will make you feel more safe. Take some advice from the above and speak to your dentist at a place like Valley Oak Dental Group Inc about how they can calm your fears prior to your next check-up!
