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Ensure Long-Term Dental Implant Success With These 7 Tips

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Dental implants from places like Walden Dentistry can give people with one or more missing teeth a beautiful, functional smile. However, like with all dental devices, dental implants must be properly cared for and maintained to ensure longevity. Depending on where in the mouth the implants are placed, dental implants can have a success rate of up to 98 percent, according to WebMD. However, lack of regular oral health care can drastically increase your risk of complications after implant surgery. Follow these tips to ensure the long-term success of your dental implants.

1. Clean Implants with an Interdental Brush

While a soft-bristled toothbrush will do in a cinch, interdental brushes are more effective at cleaning the surfaces of dental implants. An interdental brush is a slender oral brush designed for cleaning around and in-between teeth. The pipe cleaner-like brush is able to reach where a regular brush can't and dislodge food particles and gently scrub away plaque biofilm.

2. Engage in the Proper Flossing Techniques

Dental implants are not susceptible to cavities due to the artificial crown material used during the restoration. However, the surrounding teeth and gum are still prone to plaque buildup and decay if not properly cleaned. To receive the maximum benefits of flossing, hold a piece of floss tautly between your index fingers and thumbs and gently slide it up-and-down between each tooth. Use clean sections of floss as you move between teeth.

3. Add Oral Irrigation to Your Oral Health Routine

Oral irrigation systems have been proven effective in decreasing the accumulation of plaque on natural teeth and dental implants. These devices use a stream of pulsating, pressurized water to clean around and in-between teeth. Oral irrigators are often recommended to people who do not tolerate flossing, as they work similar to reduce harmful oral bacteria and flush out debris.

4. Choose Non-Abrasive Toothpastes

When you have one or more dental implants, not any toothpaste will do. In fact, choosing the wrong toothpaste can cause damage to your restoration. Avoid toothpastes that have abrasive ingredients, such as stain removers or baking soda. Abrasive toothpastes can cause premature wear and tear to your restoration and can remove the glaze from porcelain crowns.

5. Rise Once a Day with a Non-Alcohol Mouthwash

Mouthwashes or oral rinses are designed to give the mouth a "fresh feeling" while killing harmful bacteria on the teeth, gums and tongue. Oral rinses can be purchased over-the-counter or with a prescription from your dentist. Opt for a non-alcohol-based mouthwash, as mouthwashes containing alcohol can be very drying to the mouth which increases your risk of developing tooth decay.

6. Know the Common Signs of an Oral Infection

Plaque and oral bacteria must be removed to prevent serious oral infections, such as periodontal disease. If a strict oral health routine is not followed, an oral infection can cause bone loss which can loosen implants. If you experience any of the following signs, schedule a visit with your dentist: toothache, fever, bitter taste in the mouth, pain when chewing, tooth sensitivity, red or swollen gums, or a draining sore on the gums.

7. Schedule Regular Professional Cleanings

While you can remove the majority of plaque from your teeth at home, only a professional dentist has the tools to thoroughly clean teeth. Colgate recommends visiting a dentist at least twice a year, or more often if you're prone to cavities. During your visit, ask your dentist about the proper cleaning techniques for maintaining your dental implants to ensure you're on the right track.

Dental implants have quickly become one of the most popular tooth replacement systems available today. For more information on how to maintain your dental implants, contact your cosmetic dentist.
