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8 Benefits Of Getting Porcelain Veneers

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Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular procedures in cosmetic dentistry and can give you a beautiful smile. They are made out of porcelain and permanently cemented over your teeth. Your dentist can trim parts of the veneer to make sure it fits perfectly over your tooth. If porcelain veneers are taken care of properly, they can last at least 15 years. Here are eight benefits of getting porcelain veneers.

They Can Correct Multiple Imperfections

If you have several cosmetic dental imperfections, porcelain veneers may be the right choice for you. They can correct several imperfections at once such as stains, spaces and chipped teeth. This means that you will not have to spend more money on several cosmetic dentistry procedures. 

They Look Natural

When you get porcelain veneers, you do not have to worry about them looking fake. They reflect light just like natural teeth, so they will look very attractive. 'When other people look at your smile, they will have no idea that porcelain veneers are on top of your natural teeth.

They Are Stain Resistant

The great thing about porcelain veneers is that they are resistant to stains. The porcelain is not porous, so it is very difficult for stain-causing molecules to get embedded in your veneers. If you want to drink coffee or tea occasionally, you do not have to worry about them staining your porcelain veneers.

They Are Durable

Another benefit of porcelain veneers is that they are very durable. If you take proper care of your veneers, there is no reason why they can't last you at least 15 years. In addition to brushing and flossing them on a daily basis, remember to see your dentist every six months. Your dentist will examine your porcelain veneers and make sure they are functioning properly.

The Recovery Process Is Quick

If you decide to get porcelain veneers, you do not have to worry about a long recovery process. Once they are placed over your teeth and the anesthetic has worn off, you can go about your daily activities like normal. You can go back to work, go out with your friends and even exercise the same day of the procedure.

They Provide an Instant Orthodontic Treatment 

If you have misshapen teeth, you do not have to wear braces for years. Porcelain veneers can correct gaps and crooked teeth in just two appointments. After your dentist takes impressions of your teeth and sends them to the lab, you will receive custom-made veneers in one to two weeks. Then, your dentist will cement the veneers over your teeth and you will have a beautiful smile right away.

They Can Strengthen Your Teeth

Do you have weakened or cracked teeth? If so, it is no longer necessary to replace them. Porcelain veneers can be applied over your teeth to help strengthen them. Even though porcelain veneers are thin, they become very durable when bonded to your teeth. If you try to take good care of your porcelain veneers, they can even prevent further decay.

They Do Not Require Removal of the Entire Tooth Structure

If you decide to get porcelain veneers, your dentist will not have to remove that much tooth structure. This means that that the veneers will be less likely to affect the nerves in your teeth.

As you can see, porcelain veneers offer a lot of wonderful benefits. They will improve the look of your smile and give you a lot of self-confidence. If you think porcelain veneers are the right choice for your teeth, you should set up an appointment with an experienced cosmetic dentist.
