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3 Self-Care Tips For Preventing Infection Around Your New Dental Implant Abutments

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If you have recently had dental implant abutments surgically inserted, you may wonder how to take care of the sites at home to keep them from getting infected. If so, use one or more of the following self-care tips for preventing infection around your new dental implant abutments.

Use A Water Pick After Eating

After eating a meal, it is important to wash away any remaining food particles and residual liquid from around the abutments. If not, they could attract and feed the bacteria in your mouth, leading the germs straight to your insertion sites.

To gain direct access to the implants, use a water pick to rinse the area. Make sure you have the device set on the lowest setting, as you do not want too much pressure that could force the edges of the incisions apart. After cleaning away the food, follow with the tip discussed in the next section.

Rinse Your Mouth With Salt Water

Even if you rinse away any remaining food, you may not be able to completely clean the gums around the implants. Any bacteria that has entered the surgical sites could still pose a risk. To combat the germs, rinse your mouth with salt water.

Salt is a natural disinfectant that kills bacteria. By rinsing with a tablespoon mixed in a quarter of a cup of water after every meal and upon rising in the morning, you can keep the germ population in your mouth at bay.

Apply Gauze Soaked In Peppermint Oil And Water

Another way to keep your abutments from getting an infection is to apply gauze soaked in peppermint oil. The peppermint oil serves as an antiseptic that helps kill bacteria around the insertion site. As an added bonus, it also relieves pain and reduces swelling in your sore gums.

In a small container, mix together a half of a cup of water and 15 drops of peppermint oil. Place a stack of gauze pads in the mixture, and place the container in your refrigerator. Using the pads while they are cold helps to further relieve swelling and pain.

After cleaning your mouth using the methods discussed above, place a gauze pad on each insertion site. Bite down gently to keep them in place, and leave the pads on for about five minutes. 

Using the above tips to keep your gums and abutments clean and germ-free can help reduce your risk of infection. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the dentist who inserted your dental implant abutments for further advice and guidance.
